
스킵 네비게이션

산학협력 정보시스템 CODE




권애란Ae Ran Kwon

연구ㆍ관심 분야


학교명 전공 학위


- Crystal structure of SAV0927 and its functional implications. Jeong S, Kim HJ, Ha NC, Kwon AR. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2019 Feb 8.
- A novel chlorination-induced ribonuclease YabJ from Staphylococcus aureus. Kim HJ, Kwon AR, Lee BJ. Biosci Rep. 2018 Oct 31;38(5).
- Structural and functional studies of SAV0551 from Staphylococcus aureus as a chaperone and glyoxalase III. Kim HJ, Lee KY, Kwon AR, Lee BJ. Biosci Rep. 2017 Dec 22;37(6).
- Structural and functional insight into the different oxidation states of SAV1875 from Staphylococcus aureus. Kim HJ, Kwon AR, Lee BJ. Biochem J. 2016 Jan 1;473(1):55-66.
- β-Arm flexibility of HU from Staphylococcus aureus dictates the DNA-binding and recognition mechanism. Kim DH, Im H, Jee JG, Jang SB, Yoon HJ, Kwon AR, Kang SM, Lee BJ. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2014 Dec 1;70(Pt 12):3273-89
- Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of apricot seed. Lee HH, Ahn JH, Kwon AR, Lee ES, Kwak JH, Min YH. Phytother Res. 2014 Dec;28(12):1867-72.
- Crystal structure of apo and copper bound HP0894 toxin from Helicobacter pylori 26695 and insight into mRNase activity. Pathak C, Im H, Yang YJ, Yoon HJ, Kim HM, Kwon AR, Lee BJ. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Dec;1834(12):2579-90.
- Identification of chromosomal HP0892-HP0893 toxin-antitoxin proteins in Helicobacter pylori and structural elucidation of their protein-protein interaction. Han KD, Ahn DH, Lee SA, Min YH, Kwon AR, Ahn HC, Lee BJ. J Biol Chem. 2013 Feb 22;288(8):6004-13
- Structural and biochemical characterization of HP0315 from Helicobacter pylori as a VapD protein with an endoribonuclease activity. Kwon AR, Kim JH, Park SJ, Lee KY, Min YH, Im H, Lee I, Lee KY, Lee BJ. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 May;40(9):4216-28
- Alterations in regulatory regions of erm(B) genes from clinical isolates of enterococci resistant to telithromycin. Min YH, Yoon EJ, Kwon AR, Shim MJ, Choi EC. Arch Pharm Res. 2011 Dec;34(12):2149-54.
- Functional identification of toxin-antitoxin molecules from Helicobacter pylori 26695 and structural elucidation of the molecular interactions. Han KD, Matsuura A, Ahn HC, Kwon AR, Min YH, Park HJ, Won HS, Park SJ, Kim DY, Lee BJ. J Biol Chem. 2011 Feb 11;286(6):4842-53.
- Expression, crystallization, and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of putative SpoVG from Staphylococcus aureus. Kim HH, Lee BJ, Kwon AR. Arch Pharm Res. 2010 Aug;33(8):1285-8.
- Extended spectrum of quinolone resistance, even to a potential latter third-generation agent, as a result of a minimum of two GrlA and two GyrA alterations in quinolone-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Yoon EJ, Lee CY, Shim MJ, Min YH, Kwon AR, Lee J, Choi EC. Chemotherapy. 2010;56(2):153-7.
- NMR solution structure of HP0827 (O25501_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori: model of the possible RNA-binding site. Jang SB, Ma C, Lee JY, Kim JH, Park SJ, Kwon AR, Lee BJ. J Biochem. 2009 Nov;146(5):667-74.
- Crystal structure of hypothetical protein HP0062 (O24902_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori at 1.65 A resolution. Jang SB, Kwon AR, Son WS, Park SJ, Lee BJ. J Biochem. 2009 Oct;146(4):535-40.
- Solution structure of hypothetical protein HP1423 (Y1423_HELPY) reveals the presence of alphaL motif related to RNA binding. Kim JH, Park SJ, Lee KY, Son WS, Sohn NY, Kwon AR, Lee BJ. Proteins. 2009 Apr;75(1):252-7.
- Crystal structure of the dimerization domain of human filamin A. Seo MD, Seok SH, Im H, Kwon AR, Lee SJ, Kim HR, Cho Y, Park D, Lee BJ. Proteins. 2009 Apr;75(1):258-63.

주요경력사항(산업활동, 위원, 멘토, 특강 등)

2000. 5 - 2001. 8. 서울대학교 종합약학연구소 박사후연구원
2001. 9 - 2005. 1. Stanford University PostDoc.
2005. 6 - 2007. 2. 서울대학교 종합약학연구소 책임연구원
2007. 3 - 현재 대구한의대학교 부교수